HRT & Surgery Letters

Liz Curtis psychotherapy counseling Michigan Illinois gender HRT hormone replacement therapy surgery gender affirming surgery letter

Are you looking for a qualified healthcare provider to write your letter approving hormone replacement therapy or gender-affirming surgery? Perhaps you already have a therapist you love, but need a second letter. I am able to offer one-time consultation appointments. During these one hour consultations, we cover all of the material required, write the letter in real time, and you leave with a signed digital copy. This service is not billable to insurance and is a $175 cash pay investment.

Former client T. shares his experience…

“Liz Curtis is a fantastic therapist who has changed my life forever. When I first started seeing her, I was a closeted trans person. I felt so safe in her presence that I told her about my repressed feelings with no fear.

Liz never pushed me into delving into the topic, and waited for me to be ready. Slowly she broke down those walls with a gentle and friendly approach. So when I finally was ready, I was confident and excited about my choice.

Liz then gave me resources for an excellent primary care doctor who prescribed my testosterone, writing my letter advocating for my gender transition. Once I finally was able to receive top surgery, she advocated for me once more!

My transition was possible due to her care. I wouldn’t be living my truth today. I am so much happier and feel free to finally live. I cannot recommend Liz enough!”

Gender-Affirming Care

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my work is taking great care of my LGBTQ+ clients. Through writing hormone replacement therapy and surgery letters, providing informed individual therapy, and coordinating resources, I am able to offer an array of services to queer folks.

If you are interested in individual therapy, great! Know you are in non-judgmental and well informed hands. I am open to all gender and sexual identities.