What is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing? It is a neurological type of therapy designed to treat trauma that may be “stuck” in your nervous system. If you have traumatic experiences and memories that still induce distress, avoidant behaviors, or physical symptoms such as dizziness or shaking, then you have not properly processed these experiences. Your nervous system and brain are responding in ways similar to your response during the traumatic experience itself.

EMDR works to desensitize and reprocess these memories, so that they become less distressing and vivid. You will maintain your memories, but you will no longer feel “stuck” in them. Through bilateral stimulation of the brain, we update the neural network with new insights, and remove the beliefs that have been upholding the trauma.

EMDR can be done very successfully through virtual means, and it reduces distress more quickly than other traditional therapies.